Habitual Marketing

You shop in auto-pilot!


As we discussed in the previous post , shopping patterns do indicate we shop in auto-pilot mode. We follow the same path eg: aisle-1- 2- 3 or aisle 1-3-5 unconsciously! We are programmed to use rational part of the brain only when needed i.e. only when there is a break in the habit! These moments when we break the previous patterns and try something new involves rational part of the brain and are called delta moments.

Shopping patterns show that as long as the aisles are not rearranged, we pick our items in the same pattern and shop from the same locations as we did before. Only a change in the environment by re-arrangement of the aisles, changing locations of the food items in the section itself, different brands than before etc will make us switch from auto-pilot to conscious buying.

Once you are done shopping at a grocery store and when at the billing, try to remember and visualize the aisle pattern you followed and compare this to the next one , you will be surprised! This is an advantage to established brands that have habitual users. The best thing a company can get are users that got habituated to the brand! Think about it, would you switch your toothpaste or laundry detergent unless you don’t have your usual one available or a significantly new one is being pushed on right at you !! You won’t! why? You don’t care too much about choice in this space!

We will talk about the utilities and how not caring too much creates the big brands that create barriers to entry soon . Till then keep shopping in the auto-pilot or set reminders to break that pattern while you shop. Happy shopping ! Have a great weekend Minpods!

Image source:01_really_need_clean_shopping_cart_Minerva-Studio-760×506.jpg

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